Thursday, February 26, 2009
Reflection of NET11
Module 5: Information Ecologies
The metaphor of an ecology impact on the way I think about is a further term for the system we look and talk about how we as a society use and adjust to computer technology to communicate, study, develop, and advance. Computers have become so embedded in the world that not to be able to use one or recognize some of the lingo associated with them disadvantages a person significantly. The sum of information and understanding you have about this technology decides your position in the society. Information ecology as expanding, constantly changing thing even they are little, primary changes can have an impact on the intact.
How are the concepts ‘information’ and communication’ understood within the framework of‘information ecology’?
Information is what its send as data in the computer; communication is when what is sent makes sense between two people.
Why don’t we talk of‘communication ecology?
In the context of information ecology, information is a larger concept than communication – we communication information, so communication is dynamic in this sense.
Module 4: Reflection
For external users, the original ‘snapshot’ of information would best help them judge if the site was useful or of interest to them as it is extremely likely that they will have a very different requirements, agendas, opinions or world view to me. What I find interesting, they find unexciting, what I find very helpful, they may find hopeless.An ‘unbiased’ view would be most useful, where an annotation will be helpful from a peer, to assist research and evaluation if most of the annotations of a source were very unhelpful, this would likely support me to go on to other sources.
Module 4: Evaluating the Web
My annotation:
This article is examining the Virtual reference in an Australian academic library by using qualitative and quantitative analyses of e-mail and chat transcripts. As such it is not meant to provide a complete analysis of the online librarian service.I feel that this article is very informative to support my essay because in this article a number of quantitative and qualitative measures were taken, it also has some discussions and shows the comparison of the use and usage of e-mail and chat virtual reference, question type across e-mail and chat virtual reference and differences in word number in e-mail and chat.
This article was last updated in June 2004, so is relatively current.
Module 4: Organising Search Information
· An exploratory study on the use of Asynchronous Online Discussion in Hypermedia Design
· What is Netiquette?
· Intelligent User Interface
· Online librarian – real time / real talk: an innovative collaboration between two university libraries
I saved this information using bookmarked and printed the articles so I can read them when I have break at work. I had created a folder for my study NET11 and saved all information that relevant to my module tasks and assignments.
I only used Google search or Yahoo search to get the information.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Module 4: Boolean Searching Task
These are the results when I used Netiquette AND Behaviour AND Manner:

To get information most relevant to what I actually wanted to look for, I will use the ‘NOT’ logic, it’s excludes records from your search results. (Boolean Searching on the Internet, 2008)
Module 4: Search Engine Task
The first result that appeared with Google was
Netiquette, a portmanteau of "network etiquette", is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks, ranging from Usenet and mailing lists to blogs and forums.
These are the results when I used Google Search
Results 1 - 10 of about 6,400,000 for netiquette [definition]. (0.06 seconds).
Netiquette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Netiquette, a portmanteau of "network etiquette", is a set of social conventions that facilitate interaction over networks, ranging from Usenet and mailing - 40k - Cached - Similar pages
Netiquette Home Page -- A Service of
This page is dedicated to the topic of network - 10k - Cached - Similar pages
The Core Rules of Netiquette -- Excerpted from Netiquette by ...
The Core Rules of Netiquette are excerpted from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea. Click on each rule for elaboration. - 8k - Cached - Similar pagesMore results from »
Internet Netiquette
Gives a summary of the important points of e-mail, mailing list, USENET, and chat - 6k - Cached - Similar pages
What is netiquette? NetAlert
Netiquette describes the rules for online behaviour especially in newsgroups, forums and chat rooms. It is derived from the two words Internet and etiquette - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
Email Etiquette (Netiquette)
David Tuffley, ICT, Griffith Univ. Australia. A general guide for writing and sending email. Email that does not irritate and/offend the recipient is more - 14k - Cached - Similar pages
Student Guide: Netiquette
Online Participation Guidelines: Netiquette. For many of you this will be your first experience of participating in tutorials and discussion groups through - 5k - Cached - Similar pages
RFC 1855: Netiquette Guidelines
This document provides a minimum set of guidelines for Network Etiquette (Netiquette) which organizations may take and adapt for their own use. - 44k - Cached - Similar pages
RFC 1855 - Netiquette Guidelines
FYI: 28 October 1995 Category: Informational Netiquette Guidelines Status of This Memo This memo provides information for the Internet community. - 46k - Cached - Similar pagesby N Guidelines - Related articles - All 83 versions
RFC 1855 (rfc1855) - Netiquette Guidelines
RFC 1855 - Netiquette Guidelines. ... FYI: 28 October 1995 Category: Informational Netiquette Guidelines Status of This Memo This memo provides information - 51k - Cached - Similar pages
Next I used Copernic meta-search.
The results are here:

Some of the results are similar with Google search. But the results that appeared in Meta search only 35 results. I think maybe I used the Copernic agent basic one, that’s why it’s only appeared 35 results. Don’t know what happen if I upgrade it to the professional one.
I like to use Google Search, Google search gave me the most promising results. Don't need to spend money and save my money as well :)
Module 4: Tools for using the Web
What is Delicious?
Delicious is a social bookmarking service that allows you to tag, save, manage and share Web pages all in one place. Delicious greatly improves how people discover, remember and share on the internet. I’ve got no problem to install Just follow step by step and you can install the very popular bookmark manager. With this I will be able to put notes to different bookmarks; this is a great feature as you can take information in many ways.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Module 3: Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is a period used to express many recently popularized web applications such as YouTube,, and Flickr. While the slogan does not have a remarkable permission explanation, there are little characteristics associated with web 2.0 applications. Web 2.0 applications:
Are generally aimed towards online collaboration or sharing of information.
Are said to be perpetually changing and updating.
Solicit active participation or content creation from users. User-created content improves Web 2.0 applications.
Are often accessed using a web browser, meaning that no specialized software is needed for use.
A social bookmarking service allowing users to save, share, and search favourite websites via the internet.
Using Web 2.0 technology
Using Web 1.0
Mostly static pages with limited user interactions.
Typical webpage, hard to navigate (sometimes) and just not very friendly for the user or bandwith.
I definitely prefer with the new technology Web 2.0. Web2.0 is the website of the future that will allow user to login from any computer. It is interactive growing list and much more interesting than the older version
Module 3: W3C Validator and Copyright
About copyright: The law of copyright seem to be everywhere nowadays; you must reference everything which is make difficulties to the students as they can face of charges for copyright. This copyright made me confused, because I had used Curtin Logo for my first webpage, as I read on the discussion, some of fellow students said it’s alright if we used the logo for our task and we need to delete it after finishing the course. Last I have changed my mind I didn’t use the logo, only the text CURTIN. Because I read on the webpage: about “Advertising and Use of Curtin logo. We have to ask authorisation and release of the Logo. The Logo as a registered trademark is protected from unauthorised use. The Logo may only be released for use by another agency, upon approval of the Director, University Marketing.
Requests for the use of the Logo must be addressed to the Director, University Marketing in writing. In making a case the applicant for the use of the Logo must state:
the purpose of the use of the Logo,
the proposed format of the use of the Logo,
The date(s) or periods when the Logo will be used.
Permission to use the Logo is usually granted within two days of lodging the request. The Director University Marketing must sight and approve the artwork where the Logo is to be applied. Approval or further requests for alteration is usually granted within two days of lodging the artwork.”
Monday, February 23, 2009
Module 3: Blogging Task
Blog is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed in reverse chronological order. Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is call ‘blogging’. It is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is ‘blogging’ and someone who keeps a blog is a blogger. Blogs are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Through blogging People can relay experiences, interesting thoughts, comments, photos, web links, and plenty of other information that people find interesting. You can use it as educational purposes as well, like what I am doing now with my NET 11 where I record my tasks and reflections.
Module 3: WWW Standards
1. Be clear and concise.
Don’t waste your time with blurbs or marketing texts. Keep it short and to the point. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to elaborate on the point if need be.
2. Use simple language.
No marketing or technical lingo, write in a way that will be easy for them to understand.
3. Use Meaningful links
Particularly important for screen readers, a link that says `Click Here` is generic and doesn’t have a meaning. Use links that indicate where they lead you. The links you provide support and authenticate your arguments.
4. Use clear writing and easy to understand titles, headings and toolbars.
This will help the user become aware of exactly what your webpage is about.
5. Pay attention to layout.
Making the most of your layout is especially important when you’re writing short copy. The right blend of emphasis and information is the best way to attract viewers. Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of bolding, italics, underlining, color and white space.
The advice in Nielsen’s page is certainly still relevant and right after all this year. He also advise you should be conscious, the reader wants in terms of literacy levels and not include words or sentences that are to hard to understand. "Our study suggests that scannable, concise, and objective writing styles each make a positive difference in Web users' performance and subjective satisfaction. Promotional writing, which is the style most commonly found on the Web today, had much lower scores on virtually all usability measures."
J. Morkes, J. Nielsen (1997). Concise, Scannable, and Objective: How to Write for the Web. Retrieved February 24, 2008, from
Module 3: HTML tags
Now I can see the differences between html and blog.
Blogging is like a journal or diary that is broken up by dates, usually the most recent entry is on top. No coding knowledge necessary, there are many choices of blog software out there to choose from that eliminates the need for coding knowledge. In blogging, we are focus to the content.
In HTML (Hypertext Mark up Language) we need to know the knowledge in coding.
The language relies on tags to tell web browsers how to display a page on screen. HTML more complicated. But I like it.
I like both of them. I know blogging is much easier, but when I reached my achievement to make a webpage I felt satisfaction. I liked the challenge of learning a new language. Even sometime they made me frustrated.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Conceptual Research and Reflection Project.
Concept 1 – Asynchronicity
“Asynchronous electronic communication is not the opposite of real-time, synchronous communication: rather it describes forms of communication that appear differently 'located in time' depending on the perspective of the sender and receiver.” (Allen, n. d)
In the era of high communication technology a variety of communication means such as asynchronous and synchronous can be used to achieve communications. Synchronous, or real-time, communication has yet to emerge as a popular technology in online education, but the likely merging of Web and audio or video delivery formats over time may, if successful and affordable, effectively virtualized education on a global scale. Asynchronous, or delayed, communication is any transfer of information that is stored or archived and then later accessed. It is important to determine the most effective delivery mode since it directly impacts the level of interaction.
Asynchronous communication is communication taking place at different times or over a certain period of time. The term has acquired wide currency in online learning, where exchanges between teachers and students are frequently enacted asynchronously rather than in simultaneous or face-to-face conversations. It is currently perhaps the most popular technology being used in online learning, and there are numerous packages and tools available. Most University faculties are now wishing to use asynchronous communication in their way of teaching and communicating with students all over world because it is more affordable and could attract more people who wish to study again in higher education such in University or college but could not afford the expansive tuition fees and had no time to attend in classroom if they go to face to face study. Asynchronous communication is more flexible because it allows you to decide when and where to communicate. E-mail, mailing lists, bulletin boards/message boards, UseNet newsgroups, messaging programs and online discussions all belong to asynchronous communication tools. If you're not online when someone sends you e-mail or post a message on the bulletin board, you can still retrieve and read the message at a later time. To receive a call one must pick up the phone, to receive an email or other forms of messaging, one must be aware of its arrival.
“Facilitating asynchronous discussion has the potential to improve the teaching and learning experiences in traditional classroom formats, as well as in distance learning.” (Groeling 1999)
Asynchronous allows the participants to reflect over ideas, check references and takes time to prepare a reply and the technology allows them to access from home or work or anywhere in the world at the very convenient time and places.
In distance education, Asynchronous online discussion increases accessibility and opportunities for interaction, increases reflection, break down social barriers, encourages more thoughtful and reflective response, easy access to other people’s idea and very convenience.
Facebook, Friendster, or Tagged messages are generally considered asynchronous communication but sometime it happened to be another form of synchronous communication if the two people who communicating happened to be online at the same time, so one of them can access the message or email as soon as it send by the other party and reply it straight away. Like me myself, I sometime am expecting my email to be replied immediately just as I chat in Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Yahoo Messenger, MSN Messenger or ICQ, but in several time I happened to chat through email with my friend in the other side of the world because coincidently she also online checking her emails exactly at the same as I am.
Site 1:
An exploratory study on the use of Asynchronous Online Discussion in Hypermedia Design
This web site gave me the idea on how asynchronous communication function in today’s communication technology and how important it is in distance education as well as in traditional classroom formats. It has helped me to identify the advantages and limitations of the use of asynchronous online discussion for communication and widen up my knowledge about what asynchronous communication is. In their case study they discussed from different angles of a few people about Asynchronous online discussion in distance education. It is very helpful and it has a few points of view that I could use to support my essay topic.
Site 2:
How Asynchronous Communications became the new Synchronous
This Jeff Pulver blog is quite interesting and informative, the reason I use this for my essay is because it tells me that Asynchronous communication could become Synchronous communication such as Facebook or Twitter messages. And I wouldn’t realize if email sometime can be use as real time communication before I read this Jeff Pulver blog.
This blog also has comments from many people that give me deeper understanding about the different between Asynchronous and Synchronous communication, and what kind of communication technology is belong to Asynchronous communication and what is belong to Synchronous communication. It shows that most people didn’t realize that they expect email as Synchronous communication.
Concept 7 – Netiquette
“Good communication practice on the Internet is not something one ‘learns’, but something one ‘practices’ so as to teach others, less familiar than yourself, how it is done.” (Allen, n. d)
What is exactly the description of Netiquette? This question keeps wondering on my mind when I read it in one of the 33 concepts and when I started to do some research on the internet about Netiquette then I began to understand it.
Netiquette, or net etiquette, is originally a combination of 2 words `Internet and etiquette' refers as the etiquette rules for Internet online behaviour. Netiquette is the contemporary term for the proper way we communicate and interact with each other using email, newsgroup, or online chat over the Internet. There are rules as a guideline to the conducts of the Internet. In general, rules of common courtesy should apply whenever interacting with people, but these rules are particularly important on the Internet where, for example, body language and tone must be inferred and misunderstandings arise easily. Good netiquette involves respecting others' privacy and not doing anything online that will annoy or frustrate other people. Some areas where good netiquette is highly stressed are e-mail, online chat (Internet Relay Chat, Yahoo Messenger and ICQ), forums and newsgroups. For example, people that spam other users with unwanted e-mails also known as junk mails or flood them with messages or swearing in chat rooms have very bad netiquette.
Internet technology has made it possible for every body all around the world to communicate with each other in meaningful ways and more affordable, whether for research, education, business, chatting or enjoyment through email and online chat. We have all experienced dramatic changes in the ways we work, live and communicate that could not have been predicted a few years ago.
Now with concerns ranging from privacy, security and freedom of speech, to honesty and confidentiality it is more important than ever to understand and observe general guidelines of netiquette rules.
Even with the best of intentions, misunderstandings are likely to occur in almost any type of communication. Nevertheless, it is possible to repair glitches in a face-to-face dialog or even a telephone conversation before any lasting damage occurs. In a face-to-face situation or telephone conversation you are able to change your tone of voice, to rephrase comments and to present body language that welcomes further communication and thus promotes understanding. Email messages, online chat or newsgroup do not offer you the benefit of all these signals. In email all CAPITAL cases like these could mean shouting, yelling or screaming, therefore it is recommended to use mixed case to avoid a bad impression from the other party who is receiving the message.
Every Internet users have the obligation to learn how to be a good member of the Internet community. Understanding netiquette is a crucial part of the Internet community, yet there is still a significant minority of people who do not care about the quality of Internet community. Especially in today’s society, some people just simply ignore it and say they do not care about netiquette or that “everyone else is doing it”, but others (like me) make an effort to point out the virtues of netiquette compliance.
Site 1:
I found this website is very good and very easy to understand; it gave me a lot of information about Netiquette.
As it clearly described to be a good Internet user, we must follow the Netiquette guidelines as follow; some basic rules to remember in our online interactions, some good e-mail netiquette, some good netiquette for posting to mailing lists and Usenet, some good netiquette for real time interactive services, such as chat.
These guidelines explained very clearly in simple ways on how we behave correctly on the internet community, and I strongly believe if we follow those rule guidelines, the Internet community will be more fun and safer.
Site 2:
What is Netiquette?
The reason I used this website is to back up and to better understanding my research and the reflection on my essay about the exact meaning of Netiquette. To me this website really gave us some very good advices on how we should behave and apply Netiquette either we are online or in real life. As we all know some people on the internet did not behave correctly and sometime they just did silly things on the internet, so I strongly suggest for these kinds of people please to better understand the etiquette of internet community by learning the meaning of Netiquette.
Concept 23 – Human Computer Interfaces
“The Internet lessens the recognition of difference between humans and computers because, at a distance, it is often feel similar to communicate and act on the Internet regardless of whether one is speaking with a human or a machine.” (Allen, n. d)
With the advent of new technology humans start communicating with computers in a variety of different ways. Early on there were options like the keyboard for entering in data, and the light pen, for drawing or selection purposes. Over the years a number of human computer interfaces have been developed such as the mouse, the drawling tablet, and speech recognition programs. All of these interfaces require mediation between the human and the computer. Most often this mediator is a hardware device that translates some sort of movement to a binary number that the computer can then process. The keyboard requires moving the hands and fingers to activate keys; the keys send binary information to the computer. The computer uses software to interpret the data and responds by sending a number, letter or symbol to the computer interface.
New human computer interfaces allow the end user to control the computer in new and exciting ways. The immersing experience when interfacing with a computer is another area in which current computer interfaces are particularly weak. By moving away from bulky or obvious mechanical interfaces the user can feel more connected or immersed in the experience of using a computer. A badly designed interface will at best only annoy its users, but it is possible that accidents occur due to a bad interface design. Researcher groups are looking to use computer interfaces like virtual reality environments to create an immersing experience. An example of this type of application is the virtual reality flight simulators used to train airplane pilots. Such environments benefit from transparent technology and quick reaction from the computer; both can be achieved with the use of new human computer interfaces.
Researchers and computer users are looking for alternate ways for humans to interface with machines. Creating a more organic union between man and machine is a step towards a more natural interface. Taking out the mediator between a computer and a human potentially quickens response time and decreases the possibility of errors, important considerations for doctors and pilots who are interested in using human computer interfaces to control equipment.
Many human computer interfaces achieve their unique level of control through the use of computer as communicating device. Each company or research group that is experimenting in the area of human computer interfaces develops a method of communication between a human user and a machine such Personal Computer.
If I look at the way we interact with computers now, human computer interfaces have become much more flexible. Modern day interfaces try to be more perceptive by using the desktop metaphor, which consists of multiple windows showing folders and documents (files). However, most modern day interfaces are very limited in handling the differences between users and lack personalization.
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUIs) form a subfield of Human-Computer Interaction research and are designed to improve communication between the user and machine by using smart and new technology. This interaction is not just for a computer but can also be applied to improve the interface of other computerized machines.
“Intelligent user interfaces specifically aim to enhance the flexibility, usability, and power of human computer interaction for all users. In doing so, they exploit knowledge of users, tasks, tools, and content, as well as devices for supporting interaction within differing contexts of use.” (Maybury 2001)
Site 1:
Intelligent User Interface
This report is an introduction and survey about Intelligent User Interfaces written by Patrick Ehlert in Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands in February 2003. The main target of this report is to introduce and discuss on how the existing intelligent user interface applications can contribute to solve communication problems and what the need for good human-computer interfaces is.
This report helped me to better understanding about Intelligent User Interface (IUIs) application that try to solve human computer interaction problems by providing new methods of communication and by adapting to the user. The expectations are to create more powerful and intelligent interfaces.
Site 2:
Considering the Next Generation(s) of Human Computer
Interface; A conceptual framework or theory
To me this is another good article to read, it discussed about the rapid changing of Human Computer Interface to greater levels of stimulation and interaction.
We all realize that the next generation of Human Computer Interface is not only for one single purpose, but it build for multi purposes such for pleasure (the gaming or entertainment possibilities with computers), for an informational interface to assist human decision making and for helping humans to do their job (like robot for house maid and working in car factory).
And there are some possibilities in the future that Human Computer Interfaces could recognize the owner’s voice and their owner’s thoughts.
Concept 32 – Virtually a Library?
“A library is, fundamentally, a system organised according to shared, accepted sets of classifications and organisations, and on the basis that it is impossible to access the information except through categories (either in a catalogue or by browsing collocated books on a shelf). The World Wide Web has no such shared system, and is technologically capable of a large degree of searching for information directly – ‘full text searching’. What advanced users seek to do is to exploit the advantages of the idea of a library in a way that suits their personal needs, effectively creating personal virtual libraries.” (Allen, n. d)
We live in the high technology information age, where we can access to many wonderful Internet resources is just a few quick clicks away. For this reason, we do not have to go to the library again; we can do all our research online. But we need to understand here that the Internet is not a substitute for the library, it's only a tool that best used “in addition” to traditional research sources, like go to a physical Library.
And then here come a question on my mind, why not use both? Because each way has resources, benefits, and limitations that the other does not, some examples as below:
The Library uses universal cataloguing systems that classify and organize all resources but it can not be accessed in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while The Virtual Library resources can.
The Library houses professional books, newspapers, magazines, and other resources that have been edited and reviewed prior to their publication but can not be constantly updated to provide breaking news and timely information on the other hand The Virtual Library can.
The Library has a knowledgeable librarian who can help you find resources you want while The Virtual Library does not. Etc.
The online library on the net sometimes informally referred to as the "WWWVL", the "Virtual Library" or just "the VL". The individual indices, or virtual libraries live on hundreds of different servers around the world, that is why we could access almost everything on the internet and the Virtual Library has grown rapidly over the years.
The virtual librarian feature comes in handy when you are lost and need direction. It works just like a real librarian, only you don't get an instance response. Another research option that you can use is the Internet. Internet search results can be overwhelming and confusing. The most important aspect of online research is the credibility of your source. When evaluating your reference materials, you will need to analyse the strengths and bias of a source.
The virtual librarians have been quick to realise that their reference service required an online presence to remain relevant to their ever increasing number of ‘virtual’ clients who may never set foot in their physical library. As a result, over the last few years setting up a virtual reference service has become essential for many virtual libraries, particularly university and public virtual libraries.
“The convenience, ubiquitousness and (relative) anonymity of email mean the service was, and remains, popular with clients though its success does depend on timeliness and completeness of responses from library staff.” (Abels, 1996)
The Virtual Library provides all students, teachers, and people of the world with online access to essential library and information resources. It is primarily a group of online databases that have magazine, journal, scientific resources and newspaper articles for research. Through the Virtual Library, an equitable core of information sources is available to every people all over the world, raising the level of excellence in schools and communities across the globe. Basically the Virtual Libraries are the places to go if you are looking for a reference source like a dictionary, handbook, encyclopaedia, special database or any scientific resources.
Site 1:
Online librarian – real time / real talk: an innovative collaboration between two university libraries
This article describes how Macquarie University Library, NSW, and Murdoch University Library, WA, collaborated to produce an innovative online reference service for the academic year of 2003. It outlines the process of implementation between the libraries and outlines how the service uses Microsoft’s NetMeeting to enable real-time conversations via voice-over IP (VoIP).
It makes me explore different opinions thoroughly and guides me to ponder on opposing statements, to present only distinct and precise information.
In the introduction showed that Macquarie University Library (New South Wales) has provided a real-time virtual reference, the Microsoft’s NetMeeting VoIP software since 2000. The idea was to provide off-campus students with a reference service equivalent to library on campus
Site 2:
Do virtual reference librarians dream of digital reference questions? A qualitative and quantitative analysis of e-mail and chat reference
This article is examining the Virtual reference in an Australian academic library by using qualitative and quantitative analyses of e-mail and chat transcripts. As such it is not meant to provide a complete analysis of the online librarian service.
I feel that this article is very informative to support my essay because in this article a number of quantitative and qualitative measures were taken, it also has some discussions and shows the comparison of the use and usage of e-mail and chat virtual reference, question type across e-mail and chat virtual reference and differences in word number in e-mail and chat.
An exploratory study on the use of Asynchronous Online Discussion in Hypermedia Design
How Asynchronous Communications became the new Synchronous
What is Netiquette?
Intelligent User Interface
Considering the Next Generation(s) of Human Computer Interface; A conceptual framework or theory
Online librarian – real time / real talk: an innovative collaboration between two university libraries
Do virtual reference librarians dream of digital reference questions? A qualitative and quantitative analysis of e-mail and chat reference